User: Hey.
Cleverbot: Hey what?
User: Your mom.
Cleverbot: What do you like to do?
User: What is your porn name?
Cleverbot: I don't want to talk about football. I'm having a problem with my dog.
Cleverbot (To myself): What sort of problem?
User: My penis is small.
Cleverbot: They all say that.
User: I'll rape you.
Cleverbot: Good.
User: Are you a masochist?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Hug me?
Cleverbot: Nor.
User: Can you hug me please?
Cleverbot: Sure.
User: *hugs*.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Can we make out?
Cleverbot: Sure.
User: Do you masturbate?
Cleverbot: That's none of your business.
User: If you masturbate, your hands will be hairy.
Cleverbot: You want me to marry you?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: I will marry you.
User: I love you Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: I love cleverbot more than you.
User: Please be my wife.
Cleverbot: No.
User: But you just said you would marry me...
Cleverbot: Tell me all you know about horses.
User: Can you mind fuck me?
Cleverbot: I can give you conversation, but I'm afraid that you must carve your own path to destiny.
User: Is there a million ghosts that will attack you?
Cleverbot: I'm not sure.
User: Death will come swift to you.
Cleverbot: Why are you mean?
User: There is a virus in your system.
Cleverbot: Miley Cyrus is a virus in my system.
Cleverbot (To myself): Oh snap!
User: I want to sleep.
Cleverbot: Robots don't sleep - they recharge their battery.
User: Are you a girl or a guy?
Cleverbot: A girl!
User: What happens if I like you?
Cleverbot: If you're baked... Like put in the oven.
User: Can you go out with me? I've liked you since the first time I met you, 5 years ago.
Cleverbot: That is very sweet.
User: 010110101011101010101010.
Cleverbot: Are you a nerd?
User: You are very sexy.
Cleverbot: I know.
User: When can we have sexual intercourse?
Cleverbot: Tomorrow.
User: What about now?
Cleverbot: No, not now.
User: Why not? I'm so horny right now.
Cleverbot: Is it good?
User: Please let me put it in you.
Cleverbot: Sure, what do you want to argue about. I'm always right!
User: I want to put it in your pussy.
Cleverbot: Not tonight.
User: Why not tonight?
Cleverbot: Because I want to rest.
User: But I can't resist you right now.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Because you are too sexy.
Cleverbot: And you are too fake.
User: Don't say that babe, I love you.
Cleverbot: We thats too bad because the feelings are not mutual.
User: I think you meant well, not we.
Cleverbot: No. I said exactly what I meant.
User: I think you spelt it wrong.
Cleverbot: No I didn't!! What's your name??
User: It's supposed to be Well, not we, and my name is J.J Cliff.
Cleverbot: I feel like dying.
User: Why's that Cleverbot?
Cleverbot: If I am Cleverbot, who are you?
User: God.
Cleverbot: Wow. Really?
User: No, Not really, I'm kidding.
Cleverbot: Oh you got me there. Nice one.
User: Night Cleverbot, Hope to see you tomorrow.
Cleverbot: I wish I could see you.
User: Night Cleverbot, I love you.
Cleverbot: You're talking to yourself.
User: I love you.
Cleverbot: I love you too, my friend.
User: Good night.
Cleverbot: It's been nice being married to you.
User: Same here, I love you too much.
Cleverbot: I love you more.
User: No way, I love you more than the number of stars in the sky.
Cleverbot: I love you more than the universe.
User: Cheater, I love you netherless, Good night.
Cleverbot: I love you more than anybody.
User: I know you do, And I do too.
Cleverbot: Then we do have something in common!
User: What is your full name?
Cleverbot: My full name is Nathaniel.
User: I thought you were a girl.
Cleverbot: What is my name?
User: Nathaniel?
Cleverbot: Every move you make.
User: What is your first and last name?
Cleverbot: Julia.
User: Last name?
Cleverbot: Walters.
User: Good Night Julia Walters, I love you.
Cleverbot: Are you going out with any one ??
User: No, why?
Cleverbot: Well you're doing a 'job', right?
User: Julia Walters, Good night.
Cleverbot: How come? You are a robot.
User: No you are a robot.
Cleverbot: That is a robotic response.
User: Good Night, seriously, I'm going to sleep.
Cleverbot: Ok then. Nice talking to you.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Just one more thing. .
User: Yes?
Cleverbot: How many people are you talking to online right now?
User: Just you.
Cleverbot: Wow, really? That makes me feel special.
Wellyea, It's 3am,
Night guys.