Tuesday, March 16, 2010


i'm such a fail nugget.

too many things I keep saying i'll do but i nly work on them five minutes at a time, leave for another week to collect dust, then come back to for another five minutes. 8D

book project, a mosaic, due tomorrow (effing little pieces of paper kept FALLING OFF THE POSTER ;_;)
science project on Neon due thursday(MADE OF THIRTY BALLS, MAN. THIRTY BALLS.) 
book report due friday (full of sad sad typos and grammar mistakes 8D) 
freaking study island tests due monday and then more things related to that in later weeks
gayweegus history packet due next wednesday (I cheat and google most of the answers ohgadlol)  
some big art thing (24 by 18 inch paper wut) due by the end of the month, which i need to turn in a little earlier to get advice for it because i know i can make it better somehow
doodle for google entry due by the end of the month, which i also needa turn in a little earlier than that to get it reviewed/critiqued or whatever (I want the national/grand prize for it ffff ;_; tablet/laptop/scholarship/logo made famous plox) 

nuh, I rather play Wonderking all day BD
deargod I'm addicted to MMOs(or just one) again, HOW'D I EVEN GO FOR THOSE TWO MONTHS(ithink) WITHOUT ONE?

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